Tuesday 14 April 2015



Surely we love our country and are consistently and continually hope that Allah Swt will bless us and our country.

Some say if you love your country, make sure you do not make mistake by initiating havoc or spreading news or stories that is believed to be false and untrue because that will give negative impact to the society and threaten the peace of own country. Okay, too bad we are not that stupid enough to just follow what that some people say.

Who decide what we say is threatening enough to destroy a country??? WE LOVE OUR COUNTRY and no one should question that.

GST is generating problem especially to the lower income groups of people of this country though it is said that it is generating income to the Government. Yes, because those lower income groups are said to fail to understand the systematic way of collecting taxes. How dare...

Do you know that, whatever taxes or charges or increment of transport fares all, at the end of the day, will be burdened by the people??? The Government has used up lots of people's money to pay expenses in searching MH370 & MH17, pay BR1M, and has stopped paying subsidy for the fuel.

GST has caused more expenses because the Government has set up thousands of staff to handle Q&A & complaints and the equipment.

The Government and the business related communities, slowly are taking away the grateful and happiness of certain income groups in this country as these groups are not able to enjoy living in their own country eg taking flights for vacations, buying cars, renting hotels during vacations, making loans/financing from the banks as those will be subjected to 6%. Imagine one whom is applying loan of RM100,000.00 would now is forced to pay extra of RM6,000.00??? This is absolute ridicolous...The people is expected to pay 6% because it's the law. Or else what??? Stop buying and spending at anything with the GST. That is it.

Once the prices of the goods are increased, they will never, ever be decreased...Though the sellers are saying that they have to pay extra costs for buying goods but they recover by charging the buyers/the people by increasing the prices of their goods. That is a literal understanding.

When the people want to know the truth, tell the truth...

-Just concern what will happen to next generations.

Wednesday 14 May 2014



Have we forget about MH370? Surely we have not. It's a mystery needs to be solved. Do we understand that Allah Swt knows what happened? Can the lost of MH370 be solved scientifically?

An application to U was rejected. Have faith in Allah Swt. It's a test for your patience.

What happened to ex MB of Terengganu? He left UMNO? What's the emotion?

Wednesday 13 November 2013


Salam & Good Morning

Sometimes in the journey of our life we might bump into situations where we face people who are arrogant and selfish too.

Sometimes we may loose our patience because of the negative attitude of somebody.

Sometimes we forget that we are servants of ALLAH Swt and ALLAH loves servants who have the most patience.

Our Prophet Muhammad SAW is the right person to look for as an example. Check it out!!!

Monday 28 October 2013


Salam and Good Afternoon

ALLAH berfirman dalam surah Al-Hijr : 23:

  "Dan sesungguhnya benar-benar Kamilah yang menghidupkan dan mematikan".

Orang yang cerdik itu ialah orang yang banyak mengingati kematian.

Dalam sebuah hadith, Rasullullah SAW bersabda:

  "Secerdik-cerdik manusia adalah yang terbanyak ingatnya kepada kematian serta yang terbanyak persiapannya untuk menghadapi kematian itu. Mereka itulah orang-orang yang benar-benar cerdik dan mereka pergi ke alam baka dengan membawa kemuliaan dunia dan kemuliaan akhirat".
(HR Ibnu Majah dan Inbu Abiddunya).

Friday 25 October 2013


Salam & Good Morning

There was a hike on the price of the petrol just some time ago.

A hike on the RPGT & GST? What do we expect?

Monday 21 October 2013

Work! Work! Work!

Why do we have to go to work?

Besides having to take care of our family, we always forget that we work to get Allah blessings with all the income that we're getting. That is the ultimate objective we live in this world.

Full Submission to ALLAH!!!

Sunday 20 October 2013

Freshen' Up!!


Wow! It's been almost 2 years now that I've not scribbling any word in this blog. Well, I will start back. Hopefully it'll be for the better.

Lots of things have happened and all of them needed careful attention and action. Alhamdulillah so far, I can managed. Thank you ALLAH and to my beloved family for their endless support.

Alhamdulillah, those who performed hajj have just completed their duties to ALLAH. Any changes?

Hajj is a great task. A great experience.